1. One poster is required for each presentation, measuring 80 cm in width and 120 cm in height.
2. The font size on the poster must be at least 0.5 cm to ensure readability at a 1-meter distance. Additionally, the presenter's picture must be visible on the lower right corner of the poster.
3. The poster should include the following topics:
• Rationale and Background
• Objectives
• Research Methodology
• Findings
• Conclusion
• References (only include the references that appear on the poster)
** The poster should be written in accordance with the subjects listed in Criteria 3 (the abstract shouldn't be stretched or magnified just to fill up the poster). **
4. The presenter is required to be present at the poster booth during the presentation at the opening ceremony to address any questions.
5. The presenter is allowed to set up the poster between 8:00 and 9:00 AM prior to the start of the opening ceremony.